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who is more devoted to the sparks? the girls? or the boys?
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who is more devoted to the sparks? the girls ? or the boys?
the girls?
 50%  [ 18 ]
the boys?
 50%  [ 18 ]
Total Votes : 36

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Joined: 28 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


now you did convince me that a cd has 4 sides!


as we can see in this forum, there can be more than 2 sides to every argument :)
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Joined: 28 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

E-Clect-Eddy wrote:
Peter, I've got just one personality, you don't have to say it twice LOL

are you sure?...

i thought that you haven't decided yet whether you are a lady skeleton/man/child...
life isn't much, but there's nothing else to do.
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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

crikey,good luck eddy

Well actually it's more good luck to her boyfriend. One personallity has a relationship with him, her other personality doesn't! That's the one i usually meet. But the poor boyfriends get totally screwed up by the situation ofcourse.
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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

sounds like fun,glad im single!
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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, but maybe not for much longer
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Power Groupie

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PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2021 12:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have automatically answered girls but I am not so sure.

I do not think that girls are more agressive than boys with their idols. It depends on the message the singer conveys. The Sparks' songs were not particulary dedicated to women in the seventies....

But as a German TV-report said "der schöne Russell" und der "schweigsame Ron" and Russel as good performer knew very well how to use his good-looking aspect, his way of walking on the stage, the clothes he wore or not (he performed on the stage showing his well-shaped almost woman-like legs: Get in the swing...
Russell was part of the pop-singers of androgyn aspect (Marc Bolan, David Bowie, etc.) who enticed both boys and girls

But he was far from being the most sexually provocative popmusic-singer of that time.

Nevertheless, some of Sparks' songs sung by Russell were particularly for the girls not for women, among others a song in French ((Je m'appelle Russell) that I found out thanks to this forum. It is not sure that all the teen-age girls could have seen it just like a funny song, so no wonder that some young girls reacted in an exagerating way towards him.
Fortunately, as for Russell, nothing to do with the hysterical Beatlemania.... Beatlemania was an exclusive girls' phenomenon, because the Beatles only conveyed a male image, which was not the case of glam rock bands ....
I do really understand that people could "fall in love" with a singer - I was a long lasting member of the David Bowie's fan club, but I would never have dreamt of doing harm to him and his private life... David Bowie, was a dream, a poster in my bedroom and did not take part of my real teen age life.
These young girls who almost injured the poor Russell while trying to hug or touch him were just as excessessive as many Rock n' roll fans were at that time but her behaviours were not the worst and girls are not more fanatic than boys. If I am not mistaken, David Chapman was a big John Lennon's fan.
I hope and don't think that young people nowadays could behave in such a frightening way.

Unfortunately there were no one (parents have in general negative reactions towards popmusic bands - !!!!) at that time to teach their teen-age children that singers of pop bands are normal people who play a role on the stage and even if they could make our everyday's life better, they are not part of it... Anyway there is no risk for a teen-age girl to become pregnant if she only dreams of a popstar instead of having real sex with teen-age boy.
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Power Groupie

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 7:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

In the seventies I think the girls were the most devoted because of Russells ' image. But I also think that the things have changed after the nineties.
To come back to the topic of girls' hysterical behaviour towards Sparks in the mid 70ies
Yes there were excited little girls dazzled by the handsome androgyn-looking Russell. But the two brothers always got that situation with a lot of humour and took advantage of it, even though Russell's stage costumes were ruined. Now they laugh about it and have gained a lot of maturity.

it is precisely now that I would like to kiss Russell and Ron's two cheeks , but after their concert, if I could meet them shortly in the flesh. I certainly very still keen on their image of the 70s, the one that rocked my pre-adolescence. But now I like the current musical maturity, their wrinkles, Russell's red framed glasses, their humor, because they convey not only a very positive but also a sexy image and musical creativness of people over 70..... MiniPop
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Junior Groupie

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 7:32 pm    Post subject: Lets not forget the transgenders and gender neutrals Reply with quote

Well its not just boy / girl there are other human variants to consider for their opinions..
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